Mail-in ballots are arriving. This is a super-critical moment in our campaign, because more than half of all votes come in by mail. We need to talk with absentee voters while they're deciding. Our phone-banking operation is steaming full speed ahead!
You know what we're up against: a big-money deluge to smear our progressive candidates, who won't take orders from corporate giants. We can fight back with people power—canvassing and phone-banking. We can win this one, because everyone can distinguish between slick propaganda and compassionate, dedicated neighbors. We need you to help us elect a City Council devoted to sustainable growth, community health, income equity, and clean energy.
Won't you help us at this crucial time? We've scheduled phone-banking sessions on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday evenings, from 5:30 to 8:30. If you're new to phone-banking, we'll train you and let you observe an experienced caller to see how it's done. Even if you can only spare an evening or two, please sign up below.